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Scribbles User Guide

Scribbles may be a goldfish, but rest assured, her memory extends far beyond 3 seconds! Scribbles excels at helping you organise your life by keeping track of your tasks and schedules. Free up space in your mind, and allow Scribbles to be the fish friend you need in your life!


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Table of Contents

Quick start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your computer
  2. Download the lastest release of scribbles.jar from here
  3. Open to your terminal and go to the folder containing scribbles.jar
  4. Enter java -jar scribbles.jar to launch Scribbles!

Running Scribbles will create a folder in your current directory named scribblesData which will contain a taskData.txt file. This file saves your data in a program-readable format. To ensure your data is saved properly and not corrupted, please try not to tamper with this file.


Viewing help

Displays a list of available commands and their uses.

Format: help

ui preview

Adding tasks and events

To-do task

Adds a non-time-sensitive task to your list of tasks.

Format: todo <TASK>

Example: the input, todo feed scribbles, will add the to-do task feed scribbles to your list of tasks.

Deadline task

Adds a time-sensitive task to your list of tasks.

Format: deadline <TASK> /by <DATE AND TIME>

Example: the input, deadline scribbles tutorial /by 01/01/2024 2359, will add the deadline task scribbles tutorial with a deadline 01/01/2024 2359

Scribbles only allows for your date and time to be formatted in dd/MM/yyyy HHmm format i.e. if you input 01/10/2024 1700 it refers to 1 October 2024, 5:00 p.m.

Event task

Adds a task that has a start and end date and time to your list of tasks.

Format: event <TASK> /from <START DATE AND TIME> /to <END DATE AND TIME>

Example: the input, event scribble's birthday /from 03/09/2003 0000 /to 03/09/2003 2359, will add the event task scribble's birthday with the start date and time 03/09/2003 0000 and end date and time 03/09/2003 2359

Listing all tasks and events

Shows all the tasks and events currently in your list.

Format: list

list preview

Deleting tasks and events

Deletes a task from your list at the given index.

Format: delete <INDEX>

Example: delete 1 deletes the task at currently at index 1 of your list.

Marking tasks

Marks the task at the given index as completed.

Format: mark <INDEX>

Example: if the first task on your list is [T][ ] feed scribbles, the input, mark 1 will mark the task with an X and you will end up with [T][X] feed scribbles

Unmarking tasks

Unmarks the task at the given index. The task is now considered incomplete.

Format: unmark <INDEX>

Example: if the first task on your list is [T][X] feed scribbles, the input, unmark 1 will remove the X and you will end up with [T][ ] feed scribbles

Finding tasks

Finds and lists all the tasks that match the given keyword.

Format: find <KEYWORD>

Example: the input find scribbles will return a list of tasks which contain the word scribbles

Scribbles is case-sensitive i.e. Scribbles is not equal to scribbles. So if you input find scribbles, it exclude tasks that contain the word Scribbles

Sorting tasks

Sorts your tasks according to the given order.

Format: sortBy <ORDER>

Order Command Result
date sortBy date Sorts your tasks by their dates. Tasks that are not time-sensitive, i.e., to-do tasks, will be sorted to the bottom of the list. Deadlines and events will be sorted by their deadline date and time, and start date and time respectively.
description sortBy description Sorts your tasks in ascending alphabetical order.
type sortBy type Sorts your tasks by their type, starting from to-do tasks, then deadline tasks, and lastly event tasks.
completed first sortBy completed first Sorts your completed tasks to the top of your task list.
incompleted first sortBy incompleted first Sorts your incompleted tasks to the top of your task list.

Exiting Scribbles

Exits and closes the Scribbles. Your current list of tasks will be saved for the next time you run Scribbles again.

Format: bye

Additional notes

Date time formats

Unfortunately, Scribbles currently only reads dates and time in the format dd/MM/yyyy HHmm. This means that 02/10/2024 1700 is interpreted as 02 October 2024 5:00 p.m. by Scribbles.

Don’t worry if you find it hard to remember the accepted formatting! Scribbles will remind you and correct you as you use the program!


Deleting the file scribblesData created by Scribbles will wipe all data currently stored by Scribbles. This includes all tasks stored and their details. However, this does not affect the functioning of Scribbles. If you wish to use Scribbles again, running Scribbles will create a new scribblesData file without any stored data and you can continue using Scribbles as normal.

Command summary

Action Format
help help
add todo todo <TASK DESCRIPTION>
add deadline deadline <TASK DESCRIPTION> /by <DUE DATE AND TIME>
list list
delete delete <INDEX>
mark mark <INDEX>
unmark unmark <INDEX>
find find <KEYWORD>
sort sortBy <ORDER>
exit bye